Études \ Studies : Fernand Deligny (2021 - 2022) (Autism \ Autisme) (Networks \ Réseaux)
J'ai découvert les écrits et les oeuvres de Fernand Deligny en 2021 en lisant "Mille plateaux" de Deleuze et Guattari.
C'était difficile \ impossible de trouver une copie de ses Oeuvres ici au Canada (incluant le Québec), alors je l'ai commandé de la France. J'ai trouvé une copie en ligne de la traduction anglaise d'une série de ses essais, "The Arachnean and Other Texts" (Univocal, 2015). (Ci-dessous, j'inclus un lien à un article dans le LA Review of Books, et un lien au MoMA pour une exposition qui termine bientôt - liée aux théories de Deligny. La commissaire est l'artiste marocaine Yto Barrada.)
I discovered Fernand Deligny a few months ago while reading Deleuze and Guattari's "Mille plateaux" (A Thousand Plateaus). I have since begun reading his Oeuvres (ordered from France -- not available in Canada in the French-language bookstores that I checked).
I ordered the one English-language translation available: "The Arachnean and Other Texts" (Univocal, 2015).
There is an exhibition at MoMA (NY) curated by the artist, Yto Barrada based on the theories of Deligny, which closes in a few days.
De l'article relié ci-dessus \\ From the article linked above:
"This sort of gentle blurring of will between weaver and web is characteristic of Deligny’s way of thinking: he favored small gestures, singular trajectories, and provisional arrangements of acting and living over models of personhood founded upon rigid conceptions of individual agency and sovereign autonomy. Like a spider’s web, a network is always in formation for Deligny, always in the midst of being built and maintained in compositional responsiveness to its environment. It is a precarious enterprise, in perpetual danger of either falling apart or, alternatively, rigidifying into an institution. (It is not surprising, given all of this, that Deligny was an important influence on Deleuze and Guattari’s later elaboration of the rhizome.)"
"Accordingly, Deligny developed an understanding of autism that was far different than the predominant psychiatric models of his era, especially those influenced by rigidified and institutionalized versions of psychoanalysis. For him, autism was a mode of being, like any other — but one whose true qualities had been obscured by a rapidly proliferating series of political and scientific discourses that, in turn, had led to stigmatizing and frequently harmful forms of treatment, surveillance, and social control. Indeed, psychoanalysis has had a generally abysmal track record when it comes to autism — one need only think of Bruno Bettelheim’s pseudo-Freudian theories, popularized in the 1960s, blaming the condition on emotionally remote “refrigerator mothers.” Deligny rejected the dominant understanding of autism as a condition that “entrapped” children and rendered them incapable of forming emotional attachments to others."